Here is the full set of my photos from Marillion's concert on June 29th at the Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco. Just a few... about 200 or so! To see them all click on the link.
If you were there, you might see yourself. If you were not there, you should have been. Next time, OK?
(See also two reviews: and
I was not the official photographer (despite someone chasing me down the street, asking for a picture, because they saw the the photo pass... that was hilarious... maybe I should wear a photo pass at all times?). The official 2012 North American Marillion tour photographer is Andy Wright of Point and Shoot Imagery Visit his site for pictures of the entire tour--and if you were lucky enough to have your photo taken with the guys, that's where you need to go. (Yours truly, with family, #13 in San Francisco.)(See also two reviews: and
I am planning on going to one of these: Probably England... will I see you there?
To find out more about Marillion, to hear (and buy) their music, go to
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