In a part of Sacramento where all the streets are lined with trees and cute cottages, it's just where you'd expect to find lots of people in their gardens and sharing plants and cuttings and seeds.
A house on the corner, close to where I parked, had a beautiful mature dogwood in full-white bloom. I found an Eastern Flowering Dogwood seedling at the sale, and brought it home. Maybe in fifty years time, it will look like the one on Park Street.
Also brought home:
- two bamboos from Mad Man Bamboo, including the long-coveted blue bamboo
- a cuphea "Caribbean Sunset"
- a Salvia mellifera or Black Sage (to go in dry front garden)
- a Valeriana officinalis or valerian
- Salvia "Wendy's Wish"
- Thymbra Spicata, or... yes! ZA'ATAR!
- Tanacetum vulgare var. crispuni (curled tansy--I may need to plant this in a container. Wondering if it will keep the coyotes away?
- Salvia discolor or Peruvian Sage
- three sorrel plants
- and a baby penstemon.
Now it just needs to stop raining and dry up a little so that they can be planted.