Was at at last able to do some planting again last night. It has been cool, and very rainy, seems like for weeks... and now summer has arrived. Just like that.
One of the "grab bags" of plants included what I thought were three "hedge" roses. When I opened the bag yesterday, I found not three, but three bundles of three. So now the new cutting garden has a hedge of nine roses. They are but small, sprouting sticks right now. I must remember to keep them well-watered as the temperatures start to soar.
Cosmos growing...
... so are the tomatoes (these are yellow grape heirloom, yummy!)...

Lettuce and radish and carrot seedlings. One row of lettuce has not appeared--maybe the seeds were too old.
Peas. They may not produce much: planted too late, and the summer will be too hot, very soon.

And a courgette/zuchinni plant on the compost heap. Which is covered in plastic to help conserve water.