Saturday, August 22, 2015

Someone to hear: Trixie Whitley, new album coming soon

New album coming from Trixie Whitley in the fall (or autumn, for those non-Americans amongst us).

If you have not heard Trixie yet, check out her beautiful previous album, Fourth Corner,  I hope to catch her on a tour near hear sometime... or maybe on a visit to New York?

Here's an example:

(Yes, you may recognise the family name. Yes, you may now go and spend the morning exploring Whitley music... I remember wandering around Voiron, in France, with Chris Whitley's Living With The Law on a Discman.... Don't know why I have that image, but it's there, and it's still one of my favourite albums of all time.)

Can't wait to hear the new one, Porta Bohemica, from Trixie.

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